

Do you Eat like a "Lil Dino"?

If you’re employed in a BPO company, time is gold. Every second counts. If you’re on lunch break, you should be aware of the time thus you fasten your eating habits. You could never imagine that I eat like a little dino in the past. I could consume 2-3 cups of rice plus the oily viand in 15 minutes. How do I do that? I swallow the food immediately which caused digestion problems. Hello to all my blog followers! I hope your chewing the food you’re eating today. (Big smile) It’s another healthy blog post. A little over a month […]

Finding the Drive to be Fit

I admit it. I am such a lazy dude. Growing up with the computer infront of me made me (i think) stubborn and moved me away from physical activities. I am getting older (yep I think that way) and I don’t want to die that early. I wanna live forever. There’s a part of me that wanted to be imortal maybe influenced from the movie with the same title. Both sides of my family are suffering from, let say – curse in an exaggerated way. Both sides with hypertensive histories, cancer and all the stuff in the world. I find […]

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