Listen for life signals, chase it, embrace it and God will give it.

I deeply missed blogging and it took me time to open my laptop and write these words. It took loads of courage to decide and say “I want to write again.”. I was not lost for words. In fact, I had tons coming from the back of my mind but I chose just to share it with my beloved half, Stephanie. The past year have been really astounding with lots of highs and lows.

The high times of the year were enormous that sometimes I ask the Lord – why this fast? Guys, who am I to complain about the tons of blessings that I have unfolded right in front of me. It was immense to the point that I had to pause almost everything and ask myself where do I begin.

After a snowstorm in March 2018.

Late last year Steph and I applied for a visa to the UK which was approved in merely ten days. I was told that it may take 3-6 months for the embassy to grant one but I was shocked when my passport was returned with the visa in less than 2 weeks. I was in deep joy moment when it happened. It was a hot sunny day in Cagayan de Oro when the courier delivered and I was in tears when I received it. Stephanie, of course, was the first one to know about it. I wanted to hug her. She was in deep tears too when I called her on Facebook. We were in a long distance relationship for almost two years and being with each other was our main and ultimate goal. I couldn’t believe it was that fast. The grant means I have to travel as soon as possible to the United Kingdom for it to be valid. It means every engagement I had back home will be on halt. Thankfully most of them were online and can be managed remotely but it felt like everything has to be paused.

My first journey to the UK was indeed a memorable one – it’s my first time to set foot in Europe and the Middle East for a layover, first Yuletide season out of the Philippines, my first ever snow experience and to be with Stephanie after a very long time.

January 2018. Happiest day in the Philippines.

In mid-January this year, we returned home to embark a new journey together. It’s tying the knot. Most of our preparations were done remotely and being back home means more work has to be done. I can vividly remember those moments. I felt wedding preparation is a big test for the couple to undertake.

Preparing a wedding is not easy but a worthwhile experience. It took us almost two years to get everything in its place. Being married is a blessing and I have envisioned this years ago. I know that I will be with my Queen, Stephanie. I am so blessed and lucky to be with her. She’s more than a gem. She’s a treasure.

Steph in Camden Market, London.

We only stayed in the Philippines for a month and that’s a killjoy. We love the Philippines. I even deeply miss the sunshine. The first time I arrived in the UK was in the middle of winter and we had long nights here. The second arrival was better with more sun as the spring season was approaching. Getting married, moving to the UK and starting a new life could be a little bit overwhelming. I must admit. I miss the busy and the “noisy” environment back home. When you live abroad – it’s the complete opposite. So peaceful, so serene. You could literally hear the clock tick.

Getting started here was never easy. Social media, the internet, and marketing was my passion and I’m blessed that London opened its doors. As they say “Patience is a virtue.”, you need tons of it here. I’m not in my comfort zone anymore. There were even times that I got so depressed starting out here. I don’t hold the grounds anymore. I had high expectations that it was easy to start but it was not. I’m more than lucky to have a wife who’s over supportive and a keen listener. She is my motivation. In times that I was terribly down, she was there to cheer me up. I couldn’t imagine not having her and not hugging her. Throughout this moment, one thing was clear. She told me to pray for it and trust Him more than ever.

Me in Camden Market, Northern London.

Everything happens for a reason. Hold your horses, in the next blog posts I plan to share our wedding planning preparation and a couple of wedding supplier remarks and reviews. My Twitter, Instagram or my Facebook page also gives you a glimpse of my life abroad.

How about you? Have you encountered a time in your life where you felt super blessed that you have to pause and restart? I’m keen on hearing your experiences in the comments section.

5 Thoughts to “Life Was Overwhelming, I Had to Pause and Restart.”

  1. Wow, Vic, moving to the UK is a big step. But as long as you are with your other half, everything is on track. Congratulation to you both by the way. 🙂 Looking forward to the wedding preps posts, my friend might find it helpful for her soon-to-be (praying).

    And I can relate to the noisy environment back home really, I miss it, but enjoying the peaceful neighborhood here in Kuwait too.

    1. Hi Shira,

      Long time no see! How are you? Yes, indeed. Everything should be back on track soon. When is your friend getting married? I’ve also shared a couple of prenup entries that she/he might find useful. It’s peaceful outside the country, right?


  2. Hello Sir Vic, congrats! I got teary-eyed reading your story and hope you’ll be able to share your knowledge about blogging again, soon.

    Enjoy your married life and I can’t imagine how hard it was for the both of you before you tied the knot.

    1. Hi Ian, thank you for dropping by. If there’s a demand in teaching blogging – why not? Thank you for the kind words. Being in an LDR was tough. Love is a decision and not just a feeling. 🙂

  3. I just finished reading your post on “Life is overwhelming…” and was touched. I think the lucky 3 of HATCH share a destiny which God has blessed. Keep up insights like this which remind us of the essentials in life.

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